Charles Rosenfeld / Landscape Design Firm in Portland, Oregon

Rosenfeld Associates works with Owners, Architects, and Project Managers in creating and building a wide range of gardens and elegant, functional outdoor spaces. We value the synergy of collaboration in Commercial and Residential Landscape Architecture and Construction.
Specialties include: Horticultural Therapy Gardens, Water Gardens, Specialty Hardscapes, lighting affects and garden structures, sculpture siting and illumination .


Arbors Brick Paver Patios & Walkways Commercial & Retail Landscape Design Construction Management Driveways Entry Design Erosion Control Fireplaces & Firepits Hardscape Design Irrigation & Drainage Solutions Landscape Architectural Design Natural Stone Masonry Oregon ASLA Honor Award Winner For A NW Water Garden Ornamental & Native Plant Specialist Outdoor Lighting Residential Landscape Design Water Features Waterwise Landscape Design
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