Susie Dowd Markarian / Landscape Design Firm in Santa Rosa, California

Specialize in Sustainable landscape designs. Drought tolerant plantings; lawn replacements; Storm water manangment. Artisic, creative, custom, functional. More than 20 years in the field.


APLD Certified Professional Horticulturist Certified Sustainable Designer Commercial & Retail Landscape Design Construction Management Custom Stonework Design Entry Design Fireplaces & Firepits Green & Sustainable Design Organic Pest Control Ornamental & Native Plant Specialist Outdoor Kitchens Outdoor Lighting Patios Porches Rain Garden Design Residential Landscape Design Resort Design Rooftop Gardens & Green Roofs Shrubs Sod Softscapes Storm Water Management Trees Walkways Waterfalls (Pool, Pondless, etc) Waterwise Landscape Design Xeriscaping Expertise
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